Sunday, 26 June 2011

Science of Opposition – To become Successful you need to become unsuccessful!!

“Do what you are not required to do to covert environment doable”

Why you want to be successful or why you want to be happy have you asked these questions to yourself?
We all want all the goodies only and try to achieve for them in our own strength and caliber and most of the times we start complaining that things are not absolutely correct and some becomes unsuccessful after a certain period of time.
Good, the problem statement is out now and we can take decision on defining two more hurdles of defining solution statement and a planning bridge to reach that solution statement.
So now you have following straight path to define solution to the problem of being unsuccessful in any of the area of life. Chaubeylogy says start doing that what you are not supposed to..This indicate the objective of Chaubeylogy to see the things with different angles to support the required success factor in becoming successful.
You want to achieve” Adhyatm” in your life thinks of achieving “Sin” first, you want to become rich think of being poor first, you want to be famous think of achieving commonness, you want to teach think of learning first and last but not the least “To become successful the Prerequisite is achieving the state of unsuccessful first”
It works very well as the defined law of Chaubeylogy that what you see, try to see it again and believe me it will be seen little different and during the process of converting your faults into the success factors this transition requires utilization of your own mind waves which are sleeping till the time and are not in use for a longer period.
Start understanding the opposite picture of each of your action and this will certainly give you confidence that once you know the destination there could be several ways to reach there, some I might tell you and some could be inside you only.
Once we know that what is the destination and we start analyzing each action during the course it gives back the correct ways which we are supposed to follow not what we feel.
If we follow this specific framework of being successful, you can surely transform the obvious failures into most successful stories of life.
So let me explain this detail by following some exemplified truths to deal the specific situations
1.       Suppose you are running with heavy debts and you want to come out of it to achieve the normal financial situations and required peace of mind;
Obvious reactions:
a.       You may start taking more debts from your friends and relatives to stabilize the current need, under fire.
b.      You may start avoiding the people whom you have to pay
c.       You may be unnecessarily aggressive with concerned people and with your own family
d.      You may encounter depression situations which may be worsen with happening time
Chaubeylogy way of reacting the situations
Start thinking about the just opposite of your thinking
a.       Do not opt for more debt to clear earlier debts, this may make situation more complex
b.      Do not avoid the people who you have to pay the debt rather start meeting them more frequently, this will make other person that you are more reliable and even if not at the committed time, you will pay the amount to them at later days
c.       Do not be unnecessary aggressive in behavior with people whom you are financially and socially responsible, this may create permanent dents
d.      Do not feel depressed, situations changes its shape faster than your imagination so be optimistic and happy and start thinking about earning not loosing.
The most obvious and correct answer which is there for any question in our mind requires a little vision shift by analyzing the just opposite answer of the question; Learning of this behavior may take some additional time however it may be more valuable than tossing a situation for failure.
Whenever you are in need or you are looking for support, stop there and start analyzing the exact opposite of your destination to achieve the destination under Chaubeylogy vision.
Enjoy reading and start challenging my thoughts, I will welcome each exemplified situation where this theory can not work.
I am open for queries of any time challenging the Chaubeylogy framework of opposite thinking.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Right vs Wrong, The Dilemma of Life!!

"Each Right for one may be Wrong for other and Each Good for One may be Bad for Other"

From the day i started understanding the difference between right or wrong it started becoming more complex. What was right for me was always wrong with my father and what was good for me was bad for some others..This dillema of right or wrong always pinched me in many ways and as the confusing only gave frustation, anger and a feel that something i was unable to understand...why?? I aways checked with me if i am correct as per logic then how come it may be incorrect for others. I understood this in many years that there is nothing right and nothing is wrong.

We always uses our own logic to decide our next course of action during the time sometimes we are correct and sometimes we are not? The question comes in my mind who decides that this is correct or this is incorrect? Perhaps this is i myself who analyzes the outputs of the my each action along with related impact  and that output decides whether i have gained out of the transaction or i lost, but the decesion is not yet out..if my outputs are the reason of my feeling then its always better to analyze the each action performed by us to avoid any imotional decesion..which would be required to revert to original required, sooner or later.

Each Good or Bad is very relative in nature and they keeps on chaging the shape and sizes with time with our understanding of nature and with situations, we are running with. So what should be the right way. I feel if your logic says something is correct, It will always be and never feel sorrow on your decesion if this turns into incorrect in future as it has changed its shape of goodness and there are other factors forcing it to be turned into bad..there is nothing like that i did wrong because i couldn't analyze the correct...perhaps thats only the good was there at that moment when you was deciding its goodness...

My words might be looking bit confusing, but i am available for any clarification where you feel any difference in understanding.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Chaubelogy - Daily Life Advantages of focussed Mind Power Utilizations

From Maturity to Maturity – A Different Vision

This Chapter of Chaubeylogy describes the routine transactions of daily life and how one can analyze them correctly to take related advantages in one’s favor. This is an effort towards seeing the same thing from different angles, and this makes a real difference.

"Take Responsibility of your own Area and related Happenings"

Try to think opposite to the obvious answer to any query which you have to answer and you will be surprised to see the answer coming out of your own mind.

Considering some of the example to exemplify the above statement:

Suppose you are in a hot discussion with your wife who wants you to wear a specific shirt today which you feel, do not suit to your age or is not of your choice.
1.      Your obvious behavior will be in two directions, if you feel not to have a quarrel with her at the starting of the day, you will be following her instructions without willing or you will not accept her recommendations and will not like the interference in your own area.
2.      Try to analyze the reasons why she is forcing you to wear the specific shirt, what is there if this is not a regular interruption. Once you start brainstorming these queries may reach at the root cause of her wish, She might be feeling:
a.       This is the shirt which I brought to my husband at his birthday and he never likes to wear it
                                                              i.      Yesterday he forced me to wear that specific dress and I was willing to wear some other dress, so this time I should follow the similar actions with him.
                                                            ii.      My husband looks real good in such type of shirts which makes him looking younger however he always rejects my suggestion.
b.      If we analyze the possible reasons of any happening around the surroundings we finds that we know exactly what is happening around us however we always see someone to take charge of our area and carry responsibility of any unwanted/bad happening being generated from the actions taken and we ensure the credit of Goods are always counted on us only.

If I am able to understand the behavioral patterns of each actions being taken by self or anybody else in my own area and dare to take responsibility of each happening then surely I can start getting other added advantages which are still not reaching to me.

What is my own area?
From the beginning of my article I referred a word “Own Area”; the meaning of own area is attached with respect to happenings around me/with me and respective results coming out of such defined set of actions. Let us take some examples of my own area, possible actions and outcomes of those performed actions with referred accountability.
1.      If as a student I know my mathematics is not in a good state also the available faculty in the school is not of good quality and if I am assuming my parents are going to be responsible and accountable for my results, am I right?
2.      If my father is passed away and I have to take up the home related responsibilities under his absence and I could not find a job to fulfill the attached responsibilities requirement and blames that none of my relatives and friends came up to share those during hard times then am I taking up the required care of my own area?
3.      If in a job where I am working as an employee and usually Boss does not care about my good work which I am performing consistently and most of the time he is giving preference to that colleague who I feel does not perform the duties correctly but still Boss always praises his every effort in any direction and that colleague is being seen as a better candidate for promotion, am I correctly able to take responsibility of my own area?
4.      I got an accident couple of months back and I am out of job now, no one is helping me so I will be away from all those said good people/friends around me as “A Friend in need is friend indeed”. Am I taking the responsibility of my own area?
I may go though any bad happening around me and always can blame others for that personal failure but if I want to improve from the available situations, the only way is to ensure I am taking responsibility of my own area by analyzing them correctly and understanding the possible outcomes of such happenings in a manner which suits to me. This surely will improvise the existing conditions and will make me man of success.