Achieve Any Target – Chaubeylogy fundamentals for Success
“I would if I could, but I won’t, because I can’t” These are some of the lines I still remember from my college days.
I still think that achieving any target, whether personal or professional. To reach from source to destination what u need is a strong plan, capability to execute and related budget to accomplish the task.
“Do the things you fear and fear will disappear”
It looks like wordings from some project management book but ultimately to reach to the destination point u has to understand the strategy to define best bridge from source point.
After not clearing the back papers in the college days, repeatedly, when a student think of dropping the college then he need simply a plan to get pass and in such high emotional scenarios, there are cases when students commits even suicide because he was not having any positive hope left in him, which is a temporary event of thought and if the emotional pressure is higher, there are chances of mis happening leading bad news around.
It may be the similar case from a girl who is cutting her veins for her lover or someone else who has lost the Faith inside, the real moral support which is always there inside him/her.
If I am true about my own happening and truly accept the mistakes, it opens up a door for hope and here from we start the strategy to reach to the success point. As every strategy has a life cycle around it, the Chaubeylogy refers following:
Plan to what? Chaubeylogy says do not plan to pass rather do plan for obvious failures, this will ensure you to requires success.
After defining the identified failure points, seek the ways in which u can get fail. Close all such doors define responsibility for sustenance of this and start achieving quick wins.
You have to be a true invigilator of your own actions, as if it goes good it comes back with goody and for bad, worst must be visible as this is the true jungle law.
The outcome which has been sorted from output would ideally be the evaluation of your success.