Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Love and Relationships

Love usually referred as symbolic bridge of acceptance between two objects. Acceptance is what; acceptance of nothing but thinking and thinking in terms of saying or doing. It never meant if virtual page of existence does not exist then there is no love rather it shows there is probability of love. When there is probability then there can or cannot be an established bridge of relationships. This sort of phenomenon is usually found between two bodies that they had spent good amount of time and are referred as carrier of love in society. They are going to unlearn what they have learnt after defining the symbolic bridge of acceptance because after peek they have to analyze and mature their boding and same requires recurring testing and testing generates loud conversation, more un acceptability between them which usually refers as quarrel between the souls.
You cannot hate somebody until you have had any sort of love relationship because that is the obvious out point of love process so if we see a mature couple practicing quarrels on routine basis it does not always meant that they are misfits rather it could be contrary.
Once you analyze that you are running high you start loving lows of life by referring the related incident in your mind.

“There are no breakups without love”

Once you are across the acceptance bridge and are being referred as reference relationship among the circle, is called a love relationship between the two bodies but post achieving comfort of relationship you start spreading the acceptance in every way of life by looking left and right of acceptance bridge (which are nothing but the prohibited 25 percent area of each relationship consisting of very personal memories, old love relationships, and breakups), it hits back on acceptance bridge level and long hurts it. As you start increasing your curiosity in that prohibited zones you starts breaking the relationships. It happens gradually and after certain interval the bridge of acceptance becomes weaker and a day it falls.
What are dos and don’ts of managing relationships?

“Do not try to open what is still closed, it may harm you”  

Whether it father-mother, sister-brother, children-parents, employee-employer or husband-wife relationships; always run with balance in each relationship and ensure you are not crossing the boundary of acceptance bridge and are restricting your own curiosity to explore twenty five percent restricted relationship view of other person. By running on the defined process of managing relationships, every relation can be managed successfully.