Success is again a destination or a specific area which you want to hit; as it is relative so it would be different for each individual.
When I was in my high schools, like any other same age kid I was also fascinated in learning the martial arts. Coach reminded us to aim a step ahead
“Aim a step ahead, if you success point reaches in between your attack and destination point the hit will be much unexpected to opponent, heavier than normal and could turn into winning move”
"Chaubeylogy" says when you have nothing but feeling of attack only, attack will be a divine effort. To generate such feeling you have to feel could be defeat and put your everything into the attack as it is the single moment to live in those feelings; and once you are able to visualize the pain of getting defeated, suddenly your attacks are now equipped with thought energy to hit harder, your aim is now more clearer and once destination is in front of you and you are equipped enough to aim the attack, put your aim a step ahead after the point of destination and attack.
During a martial art fight of 9 minutes, each 3 minute round requires stamina of attacking on an average 100 kicks and 20 punches and to generate power of required attack, one need to plan it in terms of yearlong training. This training requires 2 hours daily, you practice different attack strategies and try to learn tactics which helps in understanding opponents attack. Chaubeylogy says to understand attack you need to understand opposite of attack i.e. defense, if your defense is so powerful that attack’s existence is no more there than your aim is hit.
What is the psychology of attack; let us try as Chaubeylogy says
“Attack is nothing but dense only”
I tried utilizing our nickels, elbows and knees to defend kicking attacks of our opponent, on that strategy I won state level gold medal in that championship.
Another key part of the winning strategy is your opponent and opponent are nothing but the environmental factor in your surroundings which creates hurdle to your every wish and they always are equipped with some key attack astra-shastra (attacking techniques) and they looks to be master of that attacking type.
If you are able to hit on that exact attacking type of the opponent’s strength, you normally surprises him by your move and opponent is never prepared to accept that someone can attack on his most strengthen area, as in one of the fight my opponent was the master of a specific kicking attack and I tried my techniques there and Chaubeylogy ensured my defend of utilizing my nickels on his shin area and opponent was so surprised by my defend that he got feared in putting further attack as his leg was paining so high now that his mind could not be able to control the desires of putting his strengthen attack further in fight and he was not master of other moves which I was and I was average only, I won that fight.
“Becoming master of one move does not ensures that opponent is master of all moves, hit his strength area, hit hard, you win!!”
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